Mill technology was introduced into South Africa by Jan van Riebeeck in the seventeenth century and subsequently, many hundreds of mills, driven by water, wind and horse were constructed. Most of these are either in a state of total dilapidation or serious disrepair; a few notable exceptions have been renovated and are in working condition. The Josephine watermill and Mostert’s windmill are examples of renovated mills.
Purpose of this book:
‘To promote interest in old mills and other Africana now passing from the present scene’
The book records what is left of the original mills and stimulates interest in the renovation of some of these vernacular structures – an important part of our heritage. Today, there is a worldwide interest in molinology (the study of mills). As South Africa is rich in molinological sites, this book is anticipated to encourage enthusiasts to visit the sites.
Contents and sections of the book:
The book is a photographic record of many of the existing mills and a record of all known mills. It includes a GPS reference to each mill, maps and some technical illustrations. The text is balanced between a light entertaining style and a factual account of people, places and milling information. Chapters will cover the entire country as well as Swaziland and Lesotho.
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